How to Become an Arizona Certified Court Interpreter

To become a court interpreter in Arizona, you must participate in the Arizona Court Interpreter Credentialing Program (ACICP). This program offers four tiers of credentials, with Tiers 3 and 4 being the highest levels of certification. As of June 30, 2019, all court staff interpreters are required to hold at least a Tier 3 or Tier 4 credential. 

Steps to Earn a Credential:

  1. Create a Profile: Begin by creating a profile in the Arizona Court Interpreter Registry.

  2. Complete Online Classes: Enroll in two mandatory online courses:

    • Arizona Court Overview
    • Interpreter Ethics

    These classes must be completed before registering for any exams. 

  3. Pass Required Exams:

    • English Written Exam: Demonstrates proficiency in English.
    • Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI): Assesses proficiency in the non-English language.

    Achieving passing scores on both exams earns you a Tier 1 credential. 

  4. Advance to Higher Tiers: After obtaining a Tier 1 credential, you can take the Oral Court Interpreter Exam. Your performance on this exam determines your eligibility for Tiers 2 through 4. Higher tiers reflect greater proficiency and open more employment opportunities. 


Training Opportunities:

To enhance your interpreting skills, consider enrolling in Interpretrain  ( This online school provides specialized training for court interpreters, covering free written exam training, note-taking techniques, ethics, legal terminology, and interpreting practices in 3 different modes. Their courses and practice materials help candidates prepare for certification exams and improve real-world interpreting proficiency. They offer free interpreter training resources, as well.