Legal glossaries for language combinations other than English and Spanish
We know how hard it is to find trustworthy legal glossaries, especially for language combinations other than English/Spanish.
That’s why we are super excited to share this wonderful FREE RESOURCE created by the Council of Language Access Coordinators Working Group.
They have compiled legal glossaries in English/English beginning on page 11 (to help you understand the meaning of court terminology), as well as an impressive list of reliable resources for these languages paired with English:
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Cantonese
- Chuukese
- French
- German
- Haitian
- Hindi
- Hmong
- Ilokano
- Korean
- Mien
- Mong
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Persian (Farsi)
- Punjabi
- Romanian
- Russian
- Somali
- Spanish
- Tagalog
- Tigrigna
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
- Western Armenian
We hope you find these sources really useful!